Nove knjige u Knjižnici

Naslov: Handbook of Seismic Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Infrastructure Systems
Autor(i): S. Tesfamariam, K. Goda (eds.)
Izdavač: Woodhead Publishing
Godina izdanja: 2013
ISBN: 9780857092687
O knjizi:
Handbook of seismic risk analysis and management of civil infrastructure systems is an invaluable guide for professionals requiring understanding of the impact of earthquakes on buildings and lifelines, and the seismic risk assessment and management of buildings, bridges and transportation. It also provides a comprehensive overview of seismic risk analysis for researchers and engineers within these fields.
Sadržaj: 1. Ground motions and seismic hazard assessment ; 2. Seismic risk analysis methodologies ; 3. Assessing seismic risks to buildings ; 4. Assessing seismic risks to bridges and other components of civil infrastructure networks ; 5. Assessing financial and other losses from earthquake damage

Naslov: The Oceanographer's Companion: Essential Nautical Skills for Seagoing Scientists and Engineers
Autor(i): George A. Maul
Izdavač: CRC Press
Godina izdanja: 2017
ISBN: 9781498773065
O knjizi:
The Oceanographer’s Companion is intended to familiarize a student with the basics of navigation, seamanship, marine engineering, communications, safety-of-life-at-sea, shiphandling, knots and splices, first aid, and so much more. The book will have a very practical feel with lots of examples.
Table of content:
1. Research Vessels of the Past and Present—A Brief History of Seagoing Science ; 2. Seagoing Skills—Crews, Scientific Party, Logistics, Emergencies, First Aid, and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ; 3. Research Vessel Construction—Terminology, Equipment, and Machinery ; 4. Stability and Trim—Tonnage, Safety of Life at Sea, Maritime Organizations; Sea Change ; 5. Science Spaces—Open Deck, Wet Lab, Dry Lab, Computer Lab, Stateroom, Lockers ; 6. Mariner’s Compass—True and Magnetic, Variation, Deviation, Correcting, and Uncorrecting ; 7. Coastal Navigation—Nautical Charts, Geographic Positioning, Marine Electronics, and Instruments ; 8. Rules of the Road—Classes of Vessels, Lights, Day Shapes, Maneuvering, and Collision Avoidance ; 9. Marlinspike Seamanship—Lines, Knots, Splices, Blocks, Tackle, Cleats, and Fairleads ; 10. Trailerable Boats—Hubs and Hitches, Trailering, Boat Ramps, Launching, Recovery, and Anchoring ; 11. Handling Equipment—Superstructure, Deck Machinery, Wire Ropes, Clothing, and Commands ; 12. Oceanographic Stations—Preparation, Time, Position, Weather, Personnel, and Ancillary Data ; 13. Cruise Planning and Execution—Project Instructions, Foreign Waters, Geographic Names, and Tides and Tidal Currents ; 14. Underwater Operations—Planning, Equipment, Safety, Diving, American Academy of Underwater Sciences Certification, and Underwater Archeology ; 15. Celestial Navigation—Spherical Trigonometry, Spherical Triangles, Azimuth, Sextant Altitude, Amplitude, and Line of Position

Naslov: Školski brodovi Pomorske škole Bakar
Autor(i): Marijan Burić, Luciano Keber, Miodrag Milošević, Katja Šepić, Dinko Zorović
Izdavač: Pomorska škola Bakar
Godina izdanja: 2009
ISBN: 9789539582034
O knjizi:
1. Uvod ; 2. "Margita" - prvi školski brod na Sredozemlju ; 3. "Vila Velebita" - prvi brod namjenski građen za izobrazbu učenika trgovačke mornarice ; 4. Razdoblje od svršetka Drugoga svjetskog rata do sedamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća ; 5. Školski motorni brod "Vila Velebita dva" ; 6. Osobe koje izdvajamo ; 7. "Kraljica mora" - školski brod svih pomorskih učilišta

Naslov: Mali meteorolog
Autor(i): Dubravka Rasol, Kornelija Špoler Čanić, Kristian Horvath, Krešimir Čanić
Izdavač: Školska knjiga
Godina izdanja: 2014
ISBN: 9789530126473
O knjizi:
Uz pomoć ove knjige možete objasniti meteorološke pojmove školarcima!
U ovoj knjizi mogu saznati o svim najvažnijim meteorološkim pojavama, kako i kada nastaju, te će im svakodnevne promjene vremena postati razumljivije, a mogu naučiti i sami predviđati..

Naslov: Pravna zaštita mora
Autor(i): Barbić, Jakša (ur.)
Izdavač: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
Godina izdanja: 2017
ISBN: 9789533471655
O knjizi:
1. Prirodne značajke, stanje kvalitete okoliša i problemi zaštite Jadrana (Marijan Ahel et al.) ; 2. Razvoj međunarodnopravne zaštite morskog okoliša i aktualni problemi (Maja Seršić) ; 3. Pravni sustavi odgovornosti za onečišćenje mora s morskih objekata (Dorotea Ćorić) ; 4. Upravnopravni nadzor primjene i provedbe nacionalnih i međunarodnih propisa o zaštiti morskog okoliša (Lukša Čičovački) ; 5. Važnost pomorskog osiguranja u pravnoj zaštiti mora (Adriana Vincenca Padovan)

Naslov: Pravna zaštita zraka
Autor(i): Barbić, Jakša (ur.)
Izdavač: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
Godina izdanja: 2017
ISBN: 9789533471662
O knjizi:
1. Onečišćenje zraka i utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje (Gordana Pehnec) ; 2. Povijest pravnog uređenja zaštite zraka od onečišćenja u hrvatskom pravu (Dragan Medvedović) ; 3. Pravna zaštita kvalitete zraka u europskom i hrvatskom pravu (Lana Ofak); 4. Pravno uređenje klimatskih promejan u međunarodnom i europskom pravu (Melita Carević)

Naslov: Znanstveno stručni skup s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem “Upravljanje jezerima i akumulacijama u Hrvatskoj – procesi, zaštita i valorizacija i Okrugli stol o aktualnoj problematici Vranskog jezera kod Biograda Na Moru”
Autor(i): Josip Rubinić (ur.)
Izdavač: Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu voda
Godina izdanja: 2017
ISBN: 9789539607140
O knjizi:
Različite teme u više od 50 radova koji će se predstaviti na skupu, sadržane su i u publiciranom Zborniku:
· hidrologija jezerskih sustava
· utjecaji klimatskih promjena na jezerske sustave
· antropogeni pritisci na jezerske sustave
· procesi u jezerima i zaštita voda
· ekosustavi zajezerenih površina, močvare
· bare i ribnjaci
· formiranje, korištenje i održavanje akumulacija
· monitoring i ocjena stanja jezerskih sustava
Dio radova na skupu orijentiran je na pripremu posebnog tematskog priloga: 3. Okruglog stola o aktualnoj problematici Vranskog jezera kod Biograda na Moru jezera koji će se održati u petak 5.5. 2017. od 8:30-14 h, kojim se nastoji potaknuti interdisciplinarno praćenje stanja jezerskog sustava te sagledavanje i rješavanje problema njegove primjerene zaštite i korištenja.

Naslov: Computational seismology : a practical introduction
Autor(i): Heiner Igel
Izdavač: Oxford University Press
Godina izdanja: 2017
ISBN: 9780198717416
O knjizi:
This book is an introductory text to a range of numerical methods used today to simulate time-dependent processes in Earth science, physics, engineering, and many other fields. The physical problem of elastic wave propagation in 1D serves as a model system with which the various numerical methods are introduced and compared. The theoretical background is presented with substantial graphical material supporting the concepts. The results can be reproduced with the supplementary electronic material provided as python codes embedded in Jupyter notebooks. The book starts with a primer on the physics of elastic wave propagation, and a chapter on the fundamentals of parallel programming, computational grids, mesh generation, and hardware models. The core of the book is the presentation of numerical solutions of the wave equation with six different methods: 1) the finite-difference method; 2) the pseudospectral method (Fourier and Chebyshev); 3) the linear finite-element method; 4) the spectral-element method; 5) the finite-volume method; and 6) the discontinuous Galerkin method. Each chapter contains comprehension questions, theoretical, and programming exercises. The book closes with a discussion of domains of application and criteria for the choice of a specific numerical method, and the presentation of current challenges.

Naslov: Ecological Climatology : Concepts and Applications
Autor(i): Gordon Bonan
Izdavač: Cambridge University Press
Godina izdanja: 2016
ISBN: 9781107619050
O knjizi:
The third edition of Gordon Bonan's comprehensive textbook introduces an interdisciplinary framework to understand the interaction between terrestrial ecosystems and climate change. Ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying ecology, environmental science, atmospheric science, and geography, it reviews basic meteorological, hydrological, and ecological concepts to examine the physical, chemical, and biological processes by which terrestrial ecosystems affect and are affected by climate. This new edition has been thoroughly updated with new science and references. The scope has been expanded beyond its initial focus on energy, water, and carbon to include reactive gases and aerosols in the atmosphere. The new edition emphasizes the Earth as a system, recognizing interconnections among the planet's physical, chemical, biological, and socioeconomic components, and emphasizing global environmental sustainability. Each chapter contains chapter summaries and review questions, and with over 400 illustrations, including many in color, this textbook will once again be an essential student guide.

Naslov: Challenges and Opportunities in Agrometeorology
Autor(i): Attri, S.D., Rathore, L.S., Sivakumar, M.V.K., Dash, S.K. (Eds.)
Izdavač: Springer
Godina izdanja: 2011
ISBN: 9783642193590
O knjizi:
The global food security and sustainable agriculture are the key challenges before the scientific community in the present era of enhanced climate variability, rapidly rising population and dwindling resources. No part of the world is immune from meteorological extremes of one sort or another posing threat to the food security. Agrometeorology has to make most efficient use of the opportunities available in achieving the objectives of enhancing productivity and maintenance of sustainability. Increased awareness and technological advancement have provided opportunities to develop efficient agrometeorological services that can help cope with risks. These include improvements in weather forecasting, better understanding of the monsoon variability and crop-weather relationships, advances in operational agrometeorology and agrometeorological information systems, adaptation strategies to climate change and improved risk evaluation and management. This book based on an International Workshop held in New Delhi, India should be of interest to all organizations and agencies interested in agrometeorological applications.

Naslov: Marine Fog: Challenges and Advancements in Observations, Modeling, and Forecasting
Autor(i): Koracin, Darko, Dorman, Clive (Eds.)
Izdavač: Springer
Godina izdanja: 2017
ISBN: 9783319452272
O knjizi: This volume presents the history of marine fog research and applications, and discusses the physical processes leading to fog's formation, evolution, and dissipation. A special emphasis is on the challenges and advancements of fog observation and modeling as well as on efforts toward operational fog forecasting and linkages and feedbacks between marine fog and the environment.

Naslov: Hrvatska prirodna bogatstva – zaštita i odgovorni razvoj
Autor(i): Velimir Neidhardt (urednik)
Izdavač: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
Godina izdanja: 2016
ISBN: 9789533470900
O knjizi:
Studija, u čijoj je izradi sudjelovalo 46 vrhunskih znanstvenika i stručnjaka, sadrži opsežan popis i analizu prirodnih bogatstava od nacionalnog interesa te prijedloge za njihovu zaštitu i racionalno iskorištavanje. Izdavanje su pomogli Zaklada HAZU-a i Grad Zagreb.

Naslov: Ruđer Bošković i geoznanosti
Autor(i): Miljenko Lapaine (urednik)
Izdavač: Geodetski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Državna geodetska uprava, Hrvatska komora ovlaštenih inženjera geodezije
Godina izdanja: 2016
ISBN: 9789536082209
O knjizi:
Sadržaj: 1. Predgovor ; 2. Riječ urednika ; 3. De veterum argumentis pro telluris sphaericitate dissertatio habita in Seminario Romano Soc. Jesu. ; 4. Dissertatio de telluris figura habita in Seminario Romano Soc. Jesu. ; 5. Ruđer Bošković i izučavanje Zemljine građe ; 6. Bošković i teorija izostazije ; 7. Ruđer Bošković i astronomija ; 8. Boškovićeve diferencijalne formule sferne trigonometrije ; 9. Bošković, usavršitelj i izumitelj geodetskih, astronomskih i optičkih instrumenata ; 10. Boškovićeva i Maireova trigonometrijska mreža pri određivanju duljine dijela meridijanskog luka Rim-Rimini ; 11. Boškovićeva karta Papinske države ; 12. Karte uz hidrotehničke ekspertize Ruđera Boškovića ; 13. Geografski aspekti djelovanja Ruđera Josipa Boškovića ; 14. Boškovićeva metoda izjednačenja

Naslov: Reci mi to kratko i jasno
Autor(i): Nives Opačić
Izdavač: Znanje
Godina izdanja: 2015
ISBN: 9789533432847
O knjizi:
Knjiga Nives Opačić pod naslovom Reci mi to kratko i jasno na znanstveno-popularan način pokušava sažeto, jednostavno i razumljivo ukazati na česte pravopisne, gramatičke pa i pravogovorne pogreške u materinskome jeziku. Zamišljena je kao priručnik (jezični savjetnik) za srednjoškolce, studente, službenike, novinare, ali i za sve ostale koji se hrvatskim jezikom služe u javnoj komunikaciji i koji će im pomoći kada nisu sigurni što je pravilno prema zakonitostima standardnoga hrvatskog jezika.

Naslov: Tides: the science and spirit of the ocean
Autor(i): Jonathan White
Izdavač: Trinity University Press
Godina izdanja: 2017
ISBN: 9781595348050
O knjizi:
In Tides: The Science and Spirit of the Ocean, writer, sailor, and surfer Jonathan White takes readers across the globe to discover the science and spirit of ocean tides. In the Arctic, White shimmies under the ice with an Inuit elder to hunt for mussels in the dark cavities left behind at low tide; in China, he races the Silver Dragon, a twenty-five-foot tidal bore that crashes eighty miles up the Qiantang River; in France, he interviews the monks that live in the tide-wrapped monastery of Mont Saint-Michel; in Chile and Scotland, he investigates the growth of tidal power generation; and in Panama and Venice, he delves into how the threat of sea level rise is changing human culture—the very old and very new. Tides combines lyrical prose, colorful adventure travel, and provocative scientific inquiry into the elemental, mysterious paradox that keeps our planet’s waters in constant motion. Photographs, scientific figures, line drawings, and sixteen color photos dramatically illustrate this engaging, expert tour of the tides.

Naslov: The Earth's Plasmasphere
Autor(i): J. F. Lemaire
Izdavač: Cambridge University Press
Godina izdanja: 2017
ISBN: 9780521675550
O knjizi:
This is the first monograph to describe the historical development of ideas concerning the plasmasphere by the pioneering researchers themselves. The plasmasphere is a cold thermal plasma cloud encircling the Earth, terminating abruptly at a radial distance of 30,000 km over a sharp discontinuity known as the plasmapause. The volume commences with an account of the difficulties met in USSR by Gringauz to publish his early discoveries from Soviet rocket measurements, and the contemporaneous breakthroughs by Carpenter in the USA from ground-based whistler measurements. The authors then update our picture of the plasmasphere by presenting experimental and observational results of the past three decades, and mathematical and physical theories proposed to explain its formation. The volume will be invaluable for researchers in space physics, and will also appeal to those interested in the history of science.

Naslov: Limnological analysis
Autor(i): Robert G. Wetzel & Gene E. Likens
Izdavač: Springer
Godina izdanja: 2000
ISBN: 9781475732504
O knjizi:
In this thoroughly updated third edition, the authors have provided a series of carefully designed and tested field and laboratory exercises that represent the full scope of limnology. In using this text, students will gain a solid foundation in this complex, multidisciplinary field of ecology as they explore the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of standing and running waters. Limnological Analyses, Third Edition illustrates accepted standard methods as well as modern metabolic and experimental approaches and their research applications. Each exercise is preceded by an introductory section and concludes with questions for students as well as suggestions for further reading. As a textbook, Limnological Analyses, Third Edition is a highly structured, concise presentation with a research-oriented approach that openly invites active participation by students.

Naslov: Mathematical methods for geophysics and space physics
Autor(i): Willinam I. Newman
Izdavač: Princeton University Press
Godina izdanja: 2016
ISBN: 9780691170602
O knjizi:
This book covers everything from the elements of vector and tensor analysis to ordinary differential equations, special functions, and chaos and fractals. Other topics include integral transforms, complex analysis, and inverse theory; partial differential equations of mathematical geophysics; probability, statistics, and computational methods; and much more.

Naslov: Richter’s scale : measure of earthquake, measure of a man
Autor(i): Susan Elizabeth Hough
Izdavač: Princeton University Press
Godina izdanja: 2007
ISBN: 0691128073
O knjizi:
In this biography, Susan Hough artfully interweaves the stories of Richter's life with the history of earthquake exploration and seismology.

Naslov: All of nonparametric statistics
Autor(i): Larry Wasserman
Izdavač: Springer
Godina izdanja: 2006
ISBN: 9780387251455
O knjizi:
The goal of this text is to provide the reader with a single book where they can find a brief account of many, modern topics in nonparametric inference. The book is aimed at Master's level or Ph.D. level students in statistics, computer science, and engineering. It is also suitable for researchers who want to get up to speed quickly on modern nonparametric methods. This text covers a wide range of topics including: the bootstrap, the nonparametric delta method, nonparametric regression, density estimation, orthogonal function methods, minimax estimation, nonparametric confidence sets, and wavelets. The book has a mixture of methods and theory.

Naslov: All of statistics : a concise course in statistical inference
Autor(i): Larry Wasserman
Izdavač: Springer
Godina izdanja: 2004
ISBN: 9780387402727
O knjizi:

This book is for people who want to learn probability and statistics quickly. It brings together many of the main ideas in modern statistics in one place. The book is suitable for students and researchers in statistics, computer science, data mining and machine learning.
This book covers a much wider range of topics than a typical introductory text on mathematical statistics. It includes modern topics like nonparametric curve estimation, bootstrapping and classification, topics that are usually relegated to follow-up courses. The reader is assumed to know calculus and a little linear algebra. No previous knowledge of probability and statistics is required. The text can be used at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level.